Indicate your interest to the Castlefrank Co-op Office via telephone or email, once we have an information session you will be contacted to attend and learn about the co-op, once this has been done you will be asked to complete the application form, and submit the completed application to the Co-op Office along with a $25 application fee. (cheque or certified cheque, NO CASH)
Incomplete applications will not be processed, or date stamped until all the required information and payment is recieved.
The Co-op will conduct confidential credit and landlord checks. If satisfactory, the Applicant(s) will be invited to an interview.
The Board of Directors must approve Applicant(s).
Approved applicants are then added to waiting list according to date of application.
Organizational Structure
Members become part of a general membership, some of whom are on the Board of Directors, or Committees. Membership elects the Board of Directors, which oversees and directs the business of the co-op. The usual term of a member on the Board of Directors is 2 years.
Much of the work at Castlefrank is undertaken through a series of committees. Committees have included:
- Social
- Newsletter
- By-law
A management company provides a part-time coordinator. The management company reports to the Board.