Incorporated in 1982 and opened in 1984 through the Section 95 Federal Co-op Housing Program, Castlefrank Co-operative Homes is a not-for-profit housing co-operative. A diverse community with a mix of income levels, family types, age groups and backgrounds.
Castlefrank Co-operative Homes is a diverse community with a mix of income levels, family types, age groups and backgrounds. Castlefrank Co-op consists of 64 housing units – 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms, with 3 (2 and 4 bedroom) mobility friendly accommodations addressing varying degrees of accessibility.
Most units have front yards, all units have rear yards, driveways or a parking spot.
Furnace (natural gas), air conditioner, cooking stove and refrigerator are provided by the co-op. Hot water heaters are rented by the members. All utilities, except for water/sewage, are the responsibility of the members.